BCPPL offers warehousing solutions and services across a spectrum of temperatures.
Bhairaveshwara Cool Point Pvt Ltd., is a company incorporated under the companies Act 2013. BCPPL is established during the year 2018, it is a part of Chaitra Group. The Company is promoted by Mr T N Paramesh and Mr Hemanth Gowda P. The Company is into the business of Cold Storage/Defreezer service with other supporting services. It has established cold storage at Survey No.13, Challaghatta Village, Kengeri Hobli, Bangalore – 560074, under Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model with Karnataka Milk Federation (KMF). Present Cold Storage Capacity is 3200 Metric Tones. Presently we are providing storage service to various products like Butter, Fruits Vegitables etc. BCPPL obtained CFE and CFO from Karnataka state pollution control Board, approval from Food safety and Standards authority of India, MSME certificate and obtained factory license from Industrial department, Government of Karnataka.
Our services include door-to-door service, customized milk run, and part cargo consolidation.
BCPPL is able to offer an additional service to your clients and help them extend the shelf life of their products.
Rockling Devario deep sea bonefish cutthroat trout streamer fish kaluga sailback scorpionfish sand dab, turkeyfish golden loach sand diver.
Great experience and impressive product. It was a very professional and technically competent job from the whole team.
Great experience and impressive product. It was a very professional and technically competent job from the whole team.
Great experience and impressive product. It was a very professional and technically competent job from the whole team.
Great experience and impressive product. It was a very professional and technically competent job from the whole team.
Great experience and impressive product. It was a very professional and technically competent job from the whole team.
Our warehousing infrastructure comprises advanced equipment handling and racking system, along with software system such as warehouse management system and enterprise resource planning.